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Workshop on Road user services development

Workshop on development of road user services was held in April 14, 2015 at the Ministry of Investment and Development of Kazakhstan by «Sweroad» company. Representatives of the Committee for Roaads MID RoK, World Bank, "NC" Kazavtozhol" JSC, "Kazakhavtodor" RSE, Akimats of regions, “Road Engineers Association of Kazakhstan", JSC "Entrepreneurship Development Fund "Damu", JSC "KazdorNII in association with "Sapa SZ" LLP and other government agencies attend the workshop. Mr. Bo Olsson, Team Leader and Mr. Fredrik Gustafsson, Regional Director of «Sweroad» company were speakers of this workshop.

The first half of the workshop included presentations on road safety issues and strategy for the roadside service             facilities development and its pilot implementation. In the afternoon, discussions were held and the participants exchanged views and asked questions from the moderators of the Workshop.

The participants were dissatisfied with the results of the work done by the Swedish company, after the first coffee break half of the participants left the workshop because they were not interested in listen to the generalized and well-known facts under the presented topics.

In conclusion, a number of remarks and comments to be included in the final version of the Strategy for the development of roadside service in Kazakhstan were given to «Sweroad» company.




«Важное значение имеет завершение строительства казахстанского участка международного автомобильного коридора «Западная Европа - Западный Китай». Это действительно народная стройка века».
«Мы ставили задачу развивать инфраструктуру. И это оказалось нам по силам. В настоящее время мы возрождаем Новый Шелковый путь. Мы открыли доступ к странам Персидского залива и Большого Востока. Мы распахнули восточные ворота, проложив путь на рынки Китая и всего Азиатского континента». «Стратегия «Казахстан-2050».
Послание Первого Президента РК - Елбасы, 2012 г.





«Исполнительной власти нужна полная, качественная программа «Нурлы Жол». Это стратегический проект, благодаря которой будет затронута вся транспортная инфраструктура».





Стратегия 2050





Проекты "ЗЕ-ЗК"
Проекты "Нурлы жол"
Вопросы и ответы Контакты