20.11.2010 Khabar. Kazakhstan. Astana. Documentary film “Western Europe-Western China”. The date of release is June 2010. The date of broadcast is November 2010.
Қосылған 26/11/2010 г.
October 2010. Kazakhstan-Kyzylorda (kaz). Road construction works, which are performed by the company “Todini Construtioni ” on the territory of Shieli district of Kyzylorda region
Қосылған 15/10/2010 г.
01.10.2010 Khabar. Program “Serpyn”, “Proryv”. “Western Europe-Western China” project implementation
Қосылған 04/10/2010 г.
14.09.2010 Khabar. Program “Betpe-bet” (kaz). “Western Europe-Western China” project implementation. Zamir Saginov, Chairman of Committee for Roads Ministry of Transport and Communications RK.
Қосылған 20/09/2010 г.
05.08.2010 Khabar. The program “Proryv”. For project implementation loan funds from 5 international finance institutes – IBRD, EBRD, ADB,IBD and JIBIC were involved – A.Kusainov, Minister of Transport and Communications RK.
Қосылған 09/08/2010 г.
Interview of the Vice-Minister of Transport and Communications of the RK, Kuterbakov D.T.
Қосылған 03/06/2010 г.
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